where pain ends &

life begins

We're not just here to slap a band-aid on the problem; we're on a mission to uncover the secrets of your symptoms give 'em a run for their money with some serious long-term solutions!

Where Pain Ends &

 Life Begins

We're not just here to slap a band-aid on the problem; we're on a mission to uncover the secrets of your symptoms give 'em a run for their money with some serious long-term solutions!

Your BODY'S Speaking To You... Are You Listening?

For years you've been told to ignore your pain. That you just have to live with it. That it's all in your head. That it is what it is.

Medical professionals, therapists and health practitioners keep telling you that they can't find anything wrong with you, yet you still have this nagging, aching pain that never goes away. You've tried all sorts of treatments and therapy, from chiropractic to massage and even pain meds but nothing ever seems to work.

You feel confused and frustrated and you're at your wits end with no idea where to look next. You're worried about your future life and wonder if you'll ever find relief. You're starting to think that maybe IT IS all in your head. 

The fact is, you are not crazy or imagining your pain. You just haven't discovered who can help you yet. The good news is, that person is right here and ready to help...and that person is YOU.

Your body is speaking to you. Let's find out what it's saying.

My mission is to help you eliminate chronic pain so you can get back to the healthy active life you love

If you keep doing the same thing and expect different results, maybe it's time to change what you're doing.

I’m Lana, Massage Therapist & Exercise coach, specializing in helping people break old sticky patterns of pain and stress so they can get back to living the healthy, active life they love.

It starts with discovering the root cause of your pain. Once we know the cause we can then eliminate the pain and build a new functional foundation designed to improve your individual strength and stability. Through out the process, you'll how to tune in to your body's pain and know what your body needs to eliminate any painful symptoms, now and in the future.  

I can help you experience the freedom that comes from breaking out of old habitual patterns that are keeping you stuck in pain and launch you forward into a strong, healthy life, without the repeating the insanity.

What Others Are Saying

What Others Are Saying

Gabrielle P.

Toronto, ON

"Thank you Lana for helping me through this quest to get pain free! My back pain has greatly diminished and I feel stronger overall. I received comments that I have a better posture and I can now go on with my exercises (and daily chores) feeling more confident."

Andrew H.

Kingston, ON

"MIRACLE WORKER ... yes I said it! Lived with lower back pain for many years. Seen chiropractors / other massage therapists but to no avail. After a brief history and 4 sessions, no more localized pain. Lana listens, diagnoses then works her magic. Thank you Lana for taking pain out of sport."

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