My Story...

The days felt like they were flying by, months were like a blip in my memory., all the while I was spinning my wheels tying to accomplish big life goals and dreams but I always felt like I was ten steps behind.

My Life In 2019

I had a great job, a home practice, a great house on the lake, an amazing hubby who works hard and is helpful and supportive of me no matter what I do,


even though all of this awesomeness was all around me, I still felt like something was missing. 

Like life was passing by quicker than the shake of a lambs tail.

The days felt like they were flying by, months were like a blip in my memory...all the while I was spinning my wheels tying to accomplish big life goals and dreams but I always felt like I was ten steps behind.

There was pressure to "do all the things". Early retirement was the goal.

Then there was the pressure to "do all the things" for everyone else before I could concentrate on what I wanted...and the responsibility i felt to set my life up so i could one day enjoy the life I always dreamed of. 

For me, early retirement was the goal and everything I was doing was supposed to be getting me there...then a big expense would come up and I'd be forced into working my butt off to pay for it which would send me into a tailspin on my course and retirement just kept getting farther and farther away.
If your life looks great on paper but feels like crap in real life, we need to talk.

I’m Lana, The BodyMind Coach, specializing in helping women to balance their hearts desires with their physical health and happiness.

It starts with listening to your body and discovering your unique gifts so you can find your purpose in this world.

I can help you enjoy the life you've always wanted without having to sacrifice your health to find it.

Lana Cummings
BodyMind Coach

I would be concocting brilliant ideas of new goals and dreams every day to add to my already long list of goals and dreams!

Let's not forget about the stress that comes with not accomplishing your goals and dreams!

For someone who has a pretty big imagination, I would be concocting brilliant ideas of new goals and dreams every day to add to my already long list of goals and dreams! I'd get so excited and hyped up about an idea I'd had and the next thing I knew, I'd be stressing about how I could afford that, how would that fit into the current plan and I kept trying to control the outcome of it and always getting get nowhere.

Then I'd start feeling sad...

Then I'd start feeling sad, then really sad, then downright depressed. Then the negative self talk kicked in...I'll never get to do this, I'll never feel accomplished, I'll never...this that and the other...then my body would ache and I'd get a headache and I'd be tired...oh so tired.

Never getting to what I wanted and only feeling worse...

Around and around I would go, spinning my wheels and never getting to what I wanted and only feeling worse and worse. The worst part was, I had no idea how to fix this on my own. I knew needed help but I had no idea who to ask or what to do because...well, what really was my problem anyway? It was hard to put into words and I didn't really know what I needed I just knew it wasn't this.

I was always waiting for some magical thing to happen

Looking back I am amazed at how little I actually enjoyed my life, considering how blessed I was (still am!). I was always waiting for some magical thing to happen (you know like wining the lottery or winning a beauty contest...think Monopoly LOL) where I could finally retire early and have an online business where I only worked 4 hours a week and own vacation rentals with money pouring in left right and center... etc etc.

Then one day, everything changed when I made a life changing decision that shifted my life in a direction I could have never imagined.

In this moment, I had a choice...

The reason this particular choice was so powerful was because I was in that moment (maybe you're familiar with this) where I could feel my brain was yelling at me to STOP! It was screaming this is dangerous, you won't make it, we don't know what's out there, what if what if what if....sound familiar?

And yet, at the same time, I could feel this gentle, sweet, compelling little voice inside me gently pulling my body forward, despite my brain's protest.

In this moment, I had a choice: 

To listen to my brain's cries of fear and scarcity, where I would keep spinning my wheels, struggling to make my dreams come true and chasing that ever out of reach carrot......

or I could see where this gentle soothing voice that was literally taking over my body, was leading me....

Guess what I chose?

Yup, the little voice coming from my body. And boy am I glad I did.

If you've found yourself in this same situation and you can't quite make that decision to follow your heart, I am here for you friend.

It's my life's work to help people like you heed that sweet gentle voice that always knows best.

I would love to hear your story and see if I can be of help so please reach out to me and we'll take on our powerful minds together.

Much Love & Light,

Lana :)

You deserve the life of your dreams.

And your dream life starts with discovering your self. Take the first step into your best life by booking a Discovery Call today.

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